5 Easy steps to embed tweet in your website or blog

Hi guys i like to in this post  walk you through this five easy steps to embed a tweet into your blog or website as showing below;

check the steps below;
  • Click the ••• More icon located within the Tweet.
  • From the menu that pops up, select Embed Tweet.
  • If the Tweet is a reply to another Tweet, you can uncheck the Include parent Tweet check-box to hide the parent Tweet.
  • If the Tweet includes media, you can uncheck the Include media checkbox to hide photos, GIFs, or videos displayed alongside a Tweet.
  • Copy and paste the code provided into your blog or website.
 then you are good to go.
Other Things you need to know;

Can I embed a Tweet that contains a photo, video, or other media?

Yes! An embedded Tweet can display photos and videos uploaded to Twitter as well as content described by a link.
Uncheck the Include media checkbox in the Embed this Tweet dialog to hide photos, videos, and link summaries displayed alongside a Tweet.

What if the Tweet I want to embed is part of a conversation (a reply)?

When the embedded Tweet is a reply, the parent Tweet will be displayed above the reply. Permalinks will be available on both Tweets, but Tweet actions (reply, Retweet, and like) will only be available on the reply.
Uncheck the Include parent Tweet checkbox in the Embed this Tweet dialog to hide the parent Tweet.
