6 Most Valuable,Simple and Magical Tools To Become a Sales Person or Build a Team

There are many factors that goes into developing a great and successful sales person/team. A key factor to successfully sell a product, service or idea by a sales person/team is to analyze the profitability of a customer and maximize his/her lifetime value thus an essential tool to any business as they define your position in the market, the more value your business can offer, the more likely they will remain loyal
Below are the simple but magical tools that will greatly help you to successfully become a great sales person of develop a sales team:

1.   Believe in Your Product:
This is one of the tools that really works!  In order to be a great salesperson, you have to truly believe that whatever product you are selling is the best and what you’re selling is in some way, shape, or form helping someone. Confidence helps sell, and if you are not confident in what you’re selling, it comes through on the phone and in the tone of your emails especially when you are chasing a deal for the first time. The only way customers are going to buy your product is if they believe it will help them.

2.   Learn from Every ‘NO’
Sales teams should make it a practice to learn from every “no” so they can understand what it takes to get to a “yes.” Many times, it comes down to just having a bad product-market fit or not being able to successfully answer customer objections. But other times, you already have the answers. They just need to be conveyed in the right way and at the right time.

3.   Be Your Customers Friend
In service-based industries like mine (Hospitality), it’s all about building a relationship with the customer. You want them to be excited; you want to be their ally. I emphasize that constantly to my team for a singular reason; Even during a global recession, people still travels for business or pleasure and looking for the best values for their money, so the hotel industry can thrive under the business to customer loyalty platform and your business often continue to grow by improving their experiences and customer service.

4.   Sell with Retention in Mind:
Some salespeople are particularly good at convincing customers to part with their hard-earned cash. However, these same sales reps tend to think of relationships as transactional. To be a successful sales person/team, cultivate a habit to think about finding and nurturing prospects who will convert into long-term and loyal customers, more so that you are not the only business owner in that market therefore a repeat business is required.

5.   Be the Customer
Always try to understand what the customer needs. If you know their situation, you can offer them what they’re looking for. So put yourself in the customer’s shoes and ask yourself, “What would you want to hear? How would you want to be treated?”

6.   Be Solution Driven
The most important lesson a salesperson can learn is that they are a problem solver, not a product pusher. Approaching potential or returning clients with solutions is key to gaining trust and reoccurring business. Steering clients in the direction of their best bet, even if that’s not your business, will always repay itself in the long run.
